Wednesday, 22 April 2015

BEARDYMAN- Camden Jazz Cafe: 20.04.15

I just thought I'd write a short post about Beardyman on Monday. What a Monday it was, sun, food and beers by the Lock isn't bad going for the start of the week.

Beardyman, is celebrated as a world class beatboxer and has performed many shows, including request shows in which he creates sounds in the style of the crowds requests using his best tool (his voice) and his other best tool (his looping technology which he has created and mastered himself- wowzer!).

The show was a live session including some world renowned musicians, and was an improvised gig. Pretty impressive stuff when you consider they covered various genres including Hip Hop and Drum and Bass. There was the odd moment where I was wanting a little more excitement, and although I recognised how sophisticated and talented the musicians were, there were times during the gig that needed to pack a bigger punch for me to get excited.

When there was a more 'atmospheric' feel to the music, I feel it would have been made even more exciting with animations or some visuals (maybe like Mr Scruff but a different take on it?) This would have made it more of a pleasing event for me, not that I ask a lot eh? It felt at times like a jam session that I was looking in on, and I suppose that is what it was meant to be. 

I respect it, and see his amazing ability, but I would have enjoyed more of the voice talent. Check out this moment from the gig which was in fact brilliant. Beardyman (after having someone in the audience holla' that they were promised beatboxing!) gave the crowd a little of what they wanted and it went down more than well, everyone loved it.

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